Who we are
The Club Managers Association of Europe (CMAE) is a non-profit making professional association with members involved in the management of sports clubs (golf, tennis, sailing, rowing, rugby, football, cricket), health & fitness clubs, leisure, city and dining clubs located throughout Europe.
The CMAE is also the pan-European ‘umbrella’ organisation for a variety of national professional associations for club managers and secretaries. National associations can affiliate to the CMAE, thereby giving their membership access to the CMAE education programme and other CMAE international activities and events.
Challenging, complex and dynamic changes are affecting the club management profession today. The CMAE accepts a responsibility to assist its members in meeting the needs of an evolving industry. To fulfill this responsibility, the CMAE invites club managers to participate in educational programmes and to make a commitment to excellence by becoming an active member of the Club Managers Association of Europe. Only then can members help shape and strengthen the role and image of the club management profession within the industry.
How did we start?
The idea was conceived at the CMAA conference in 2000, when a couple of us met with Jim Singerling and the Canadian Chapter President. The idea was kicked about over the year and in 2001 the CMAE was formed. We held a 10 year celebration evening at the Flyfishers Club in 2011 and are looking forward to further developing what we offer our members.
London & Home Counties
Our current membership for London and Home Counties sits at over 100 Members which is made up from Clubs covering London Private Members Clubs, Golf and Sailing. We are hoping to attract Club Managers from other sectors over the coming year as well as building on the sectors where we already have a presence. I would urge all members to consider colleagues within your own Clubs and others to join us at CMAE to experience the education and networking provided, alongside managers with a similar mind set for progression and professionalism within the industry.
Area included in CMAE London & Home Counties membership:

The Code of Ethics is intended to guide club managers in their decision making process.
It addresses many of the key principles and should serve as a reference throughout a manager’s career.
We believe that the management of clubs is an honourable profession. It shall be incumbent upon club managers to be knowledgeable in the application of sound business principles in the management of clubs.
By our behaviour and demeanour, we will set an example for our employees and will assist our Club Officers to manage efficient and successful club operations.
We will consistently promote the recognition of club management as a profession and conduct our personal and professional affairs in a manner to reflect capability and integrity.
We will strive to advance our knowledge and abilities as Club Managers, and willingly share with other association members the lessons of our experience and knowledge gained through participation in regional, European and international education meetings and seminars.
We will refrain from initiating, directly or through an agent, any communications with a Director, Member or Official of another club regarding its affairs without prior knowledge of the Manager thereof.
We will promote the club’s role in the local community as a good neighbour.
We will not seek to be subsidised or compromised by any interest doing business with other clubs.
We will assist our fellow club managers in the pursuit of their professional goals.