Further Career Progression

From our courses you can go on to higher levels which are run by the main CMAE European body.

Club Management Diploma (CMDip)

The CMDip is awarded to those clubs managers who participate in the CMAE’s Management Development Programme Parts One and Two and then submit a work-based assignment for assessment.  Their marks achieved in the tests at both MDP courses plus their marks for the work-based assignment must exceed the minimum standards.
(There is a fee of £75 for the marking of your CMDip work-based assignment).

All new CMDip are awarded for a period of five years. Except for those in Retired membership status, CMDips are required to earn at least 60 Education and/or Association Credits during the five-year period following their receiving their CMDip award to maintain their CMDip status.

At least half of these must be Education Credits. CMDips and CCMs meeting these requirements will have maintained the designation for another five-year period.

CMDip Requirements


Golf Management

This course is aimed at Managers with particular responsibility for successful golf operations. By attending this course, delegates will learn to maximize their working relationship with the key personnel employed in this area of the business, including the Course Manager, Professional and Club Manager. The course will cover in detail areas such as agronomy, golf shop operations, merchandising, fleet management, tournament operations and business planning to fit with the club’s overall aims and traditions. Delegates will have a thorough understanding of the history, evolution and future trends of the golf industry, to better serve their clubs and committees.


Food & Beverage Management

This course is aimed at Managers with particular responsibility for successful clubhouse operations. It will take an in depth look at food and beverage operations from a management and control perspective. Delegates will study trends in menu and service delivery, as well as evolving legal requirements. Particular attention will be paid to the creation of successful special or themed events and how best to marketing these events. The course will also enable managers to create and deliver appropriate training sessions for clubhouse staff to ensure that service excellence is the norm at your club.


Strategy & Leadership – Level Three

This course is aimed at those managers who wish to learn how to enhance their management style and tap in to their leadership potential in order to operate the club as a business. You will understand the responsibilities and characteristics required to exert the appropriate level of power and influence so that your club can show the creativity to focus its strategic aims in line with its established culture and traditions. Particular focus will be paid to establishing and enhancing an effective working relationship with your committee, whilst monitoring, developing and leading your staff team. Delegates will also be invited to review their knowledge in all competency areas required to achieve success at your club and in your career.


Certified Club Manager (CCM)

The CMAE offers club managers two levels of certification – the Club Management Diploma (CMDip) and the globally-recognised Certified Club Manager (CCM).  The CCM designation has been the hallmark of professionalism in club management since 1965 and is the cornerstone of CMAE’s member recognition programme. It is a valuable and widely respected mark of a manager’s commitment to professional development and the club industry.

The CCM designation is awarded to club managers who can prove that they posses a good working knowledge of all ten of the core competencies, by passing the CCM Exam to the minimum standards. The CCM exam takes place on one day, in two sessions. Candidates are allowed a maximum of 7 hours to complete the exam.

Certified Club Manager:  The first step is to check the eligibility criteria and if a club manager feels that they either fulfill these criteria, or will do so in the next year or so, and they would like to register to sit the CCM exam, you should complete the registration form and submit this to the CMAE Education Office.  Initially, there is a non-refundable registration fee of £75.00/€95.00 to be submitted at the time of registration.

PLEASE NOTE: As the verification process may take several months, the deadline for submitting a CCM Registration Form is six months prior to the exam date.

The CMAE Education Office will verify all of your claims for education credits and association credits with the appropriate organisations and education providers, and when the verification process is complete, the applicant will be informed if they are eligible to sit the CCM exam.

If eligible to sit for the CCM exam, the following fees will apply:

  • CCM Exam – £350.00/€400.00
  • CCM Exam Re-sit – £75.00/€95.00

Please Note: These fees are set by the CMAE Board of Directors and may be subject to change from time to time. Members will be notified of the fees that will apply to them when eligibility to take the CCM Exam is confirmed.

CCM designations are awarded for a period of five years. Except for those in Retired membership status, CCMs are required to earn at least 120 Education and/or Association Credits during the five-year period following their CCM date to maintain their CCM designations. At least half of these must be Education Credits. CCMs meeting these requirements will have maintained the designation for another five-year period.

All CCM’s wishing to renew their qualification will need to complete the CCM Maintenance Form.  It is suggested that if you are coming up to your 5 year renewal period to complete a form prior to this as a personal record for yourself.

CCM Exam Process DownloadCCM Eligibility Criteria


Education Opportunities

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